
The route is 112 kilometres long to be completed in five stages. At the end of each stage the traveller is picked up during the route and driven by car to rural accommodation, where they will spend the night after a well deserved home cooked dinner made with local ingredients.
In the morning, after breakfast, the partcicipants will be driven by car to the beginning of the next stage.

Optional services:
Picnic for each stage.
Transfer of equipment by taxi.

Price includes breakfast and dinner:
1 Person (single room) 470 ? (VAT included)
2 People (double room) 665 ? (VAT included)

The IACOBUS VOUCHER is available all year round, except August and Easter, for singles, couples or groups. To obtain additional information on the IACOBUS VOUCHER you can call 902 200 432 or email

With the IACOBUS VOUCHER you'll just need to walk and feel because your rest will be assured.

(*) Sales are managed through legaly authorised travel agencies.
